这个是英雄无敌5修改器1.6,此修改器适用于英雄无敌5 V1.6中文版。已测试成功。也适用于资料片:命运之锤 V2.01中文版。安装完毕之后,首先运行修改器,在下拉菜单中选择相应的游戏。然后再运行游戏,使用相应的快捷键修改。此修改器也支持很多别的游戏,有需要的玩家可自行下载英雄无敌5修改器1.6一试!
Supported Games
3D Ultra Pinball (Ger) [+1]
3D Ultra Pinball - Creep Night (Ger) [+2]
3D Ultra Pinball - Der vergessene Kontinent (Ger) [+1]
3D-Pinball - Space Cadet (Ger) [+1]
3D-Pinball - Space Cadet [WinXP-SP2] (Ger) [+2]
Afrika Korps vs. Desert Rats (V1.14) (Ger) [+2]
Airline Tycoon Deluxe (V1.02) (Ger) [+2]
Alpha Centauri (V1.0i) (All) [+14]
Anno 1701 (V1.00) (All) [+3]
Anno 1701 (V1.01) (All) [+3]
Anno 1701 (V1.02) (All) [+4]
Anno 1701 (V1.04) (All) [+4]
Anno 1701 - Der Fluch des Drachen (V2.03) (All) [+4]
Anno 1701 - The Sunken Dragon (V2.03) (All) [+4]
Battlefield 1942 [SinglePlayer] (V1.6.19) (All) [+3]
Beach Life (All) [+3]
Black & White 2 (V1.1) (All) [+3]
Civilization - Call to Power II (V1.0) (All) [+4]
Civilization - Call to Power II (V1.1) (All) [+4]
Civilization II (V2.42) (All) [+16]
Civilization II - Test of Time (V1.1) (All) [+16]
Civilization III (V1.07f) (All) [+4]
Civilization III (V1.16f) (All) [+4]
Civilization III (V1.17f) (All) [+4]
Civilization III (V1.21f) (All) [+4]
Civilization III (V1.29f) (All) [+4]
Civilization III Complete (All) [+8]
Civilization III Gold (All) [+4]
Civilization III - Conquests (V1.00-V1.02) (All) [+4]
Civilization III - Conquests (V1.12b) (All) [+4]
Civilization III - Conquests (V1.13b-V1.15b) (All) [+4]
Civilization III - Conquests (V1.20-V1.22) (All) [+13]
Civilization III - Play the World (V1.01f) (All) [+4]
Civilization III - Play the World (V1.04f) (All) [+4]
Civilization III - Play the World (V1.14f) (All) [+4]
Civilization III - Play the World (V1.21f) (All) [+4]
Civilization III - Play the World (V1.27f) (All) [+5]
Civilization IV (V1.00) (All) [+5]
Civilization IV (V1.09) (All) [+5]
Civilization IV (V1.52) (All) [+5]
Civilization IV (V1.61) (All) [+5]
Civilization IV (V1.74) (All) [+5]
Civilization IV - Beyond the Sword (V3.03) (All) [+9]
Civilization IV - Beyond the Sword (V3.13) (All) [+9]
Civilization IV - Warlords (V2.00) (All) [+5]
Civilization IV - Warlords (V2.08) (All) [+9]
Civilization IV - Warlords (V2.13) (All) [+9]
Doom3 (V1.3) (All) [+3]
Dungeon Siege 2 (V2.0) (Eng) [+8]
DTM Race Driver 2 (V1.0.0.1) (All) [+2]
DTM Race Driver 2 (V1.2) (All) [+2]
Dynasty General (Ger) [+1]
FIFA Manager 06 (V1.0) (Eng) [+11]
FIFA Manager 06 (V1.1) (Eng) [+16]
FIFA Manager 07 (V1.0) (All) [+146]
FIFA Manager 07 (V1.1) (All) [+212]
FIFA Manager 07 - Extra Time (V1.0) (All) [+229]
FIFA Manager 07 - Extra Time (V1.01) (All) [+295]
FIFA Manager 08 (V1.0) (All) [+6435-6439]
FIFA Manager 08 (V1.1) (All) [+7564-7569]
Flat-Out (V1.0) (All) [+2]
Flat-Out (V1.1) (All) [+2]
Fussball Manager 06 (V1.0) (Ger) [+11]
Fussball Manager 06 (V1.1) (Ger) [+16]
Fussball Manager 06 (V1.2) (Ger) [+30]
Fussball Manager 07 (V1.0) (Ger) [+146]
Fussball Manager 07 (V1.1) (Ger) [+212]
Fussball Manager 07 - Verlängerung (V1.0) (Ger) [+229]
Fussball Manager 07 - Verlängerung (V1.01) (Ger) [+295]
Fussball Manager 08 (V1.0) (All) [+6435-6439]
Fussball Manager 08 (V1.1) (All) [+7564-7569]
Fussball Manager 2005 (V1.2) (Ger) [+4]
Gothic 3 (V1.12.26364) (All) [+6]
GTA 2 (V10.3) (Ger) [+2]
GTA 3 (V1.0) (All) [+10]
GTA 3 (V1.1) (All) [+10]
GTA San Andreas (V1.0) (All) [+64]
GTA San Andreas (V1.1) (All) [+11]
GTA Vice City (V1.0) (All) [+22]
GTA Vice City (V1.1) (All) [+3]
Heroes Chronicles - Clash of the Dragons (V1.0) (All) [+7]
Heroes Chronicles - Conquest of the Underworld (V1.0) (All) [+7]
Heroes Chronicles - Masters of the Elements (V1.0) (All) [+7]
Heroes Chronicles - Warlords of the Wasteland (V1.0) (All) [+7]
Heroes of Might and Magic 4 (V3.0) (All) [+3]
Heroes of Might and Magic 5 (V1.0 CE) (All) [+7]
Heroes of Might and Magic 5 (V1.1 CE) (All) [+7]
Heroes of Might and Magic 5 (V1.2 CE) (All) [+7]
Heroes of Might and Magic 5 (V1.3 CE) (All) [+7]
Heroes of Might and Magic 5 (V1.4 CE) (All) [+8]
Heroes of Might and Magic 5 (V1.4) (All) [+8]
Heroes of Might and Magic 5 (V1.41 CE) (All) [+8]
Heroes of Might and Magic 5 (V1.41) (All) [+8]
Heroes of Might and Magic 5 (V1.5 CE) (All) [+8]
Heroes of Might and Magic 5 (V1.6 CE) (All) [+8]
Heroes of Might and Magic 5 - Hammers of Fate (V2.01) (All) [+8]
Jade Empire (V1.0) (All) [+6]
Leisure Suit Larry - Magna Cum Laude (V1.0) (Ger) [+5]
LFP Manager 07 (V1.1) (Fr) [+212]
Luxor (V1.0.3.32 GH) (All) [+2]
Majestic Chess (V1.3.0.5) (All) [+3]
Master of Orion 2 (V1.3) (All) [+2]
Master of Orion 2 (V1.31) (All) [+2]
Mechcommander 1 (V1.0) (Ger) [+1]
Medieval 2: TotalWar (V1.0) (All) [+3]
Medieval 2: TotalWar (V1.1) (All) [+3]
Medieval 2: TotalWar (V1.2.0) (All) [+3]
Medieval 2: TotalWar (V1.2.1) (All) [+3]
Medieval 2: TotalWar (V1.3) (All) [+3]
Minesweeper (Ger) [+2]
MS Hearts (Ger) [+12]
Need for Speed - Carbon (V1.3 - V1.4) (All) [+7]
Need for Speed 6 - Hot Pursuit 2 (Ger) [+5]
Need for Speed 7 - Underground (V1.2.51733) (All) [+7]
Need for Speed 8 - Underground 2 (V1.0-V1.1) (All) [+5]
Need for Speed 9 - Most Wanted (V1.2) (Ger) [+4]
Need for Speed 9 - Most Wanted (V1.2) (Eng) [+4]
Need for Speed 9 - Most Wanted (V1.3) (All) [+5]
Powerdrome (V1.15a) (All) [+3]
Prince of Persia - Warrior Within (V1.0) (All) [+2]
Risiko 2 (V1.01e) (All) [+3]
Risk 2 (V1.01e) (All) [+3]
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 (Ger) [+6]
Rome: TotalWar (V1.0) (All) [+3]
Rome: TotalWar (V1.1) (All) [+3]
Rome: TotalWar (V1.2) (All) [+3]
Rome: Total War (V1.3) (All) [+3]
Rome: Total War (V1.5) (All) [+3]
Rome: Total War - Barbarian Invasion (V1.4) (All) [+3]
RTL Ski Alpin 2005 (V1.88) (Ger) [+1]
Sielder 2 - Die nächste Generation (V1.1757) (Ger) [+3]
Sielder 2 - Die nächste Generation - Wikinger (V1.1758) (Ger) [+3]
Siedler 5 - Das Erbe der Könige (V1.0) (Ger) [+2]
Siedler 5 - Das Erbe der Könige (V1.04.0207) (Ger) [+2]
Siedler 5 - Das Erbe der Könige (V1.05.0216) (Ger) [+2]
Siedler 5 - Das Erbe der Könige (V1.06.0217) (Ger) [+2]
Siedler 5 - Das Erbe der Könige Legenden (V1.05.0216) (Ger) [+2]
Siedler 5 - Das Erbe der Könige Legenden (V1.06.0217) (Ger) [+2]
Siedler 5 - Das Erbe der Könige Nebelreich (V1.02.0189) (Ger) [+2]
Siedler 5 - Das Erbe der Könige Nebelreich (V1.04.0207) (Ger) [+2]
Siedler 5 - Das Erbe der Könige Nebelreich (V1.05.0216) (Ger) [+2]
Siedler 5 - Das Erbe der Könige Nebelreich (V1.06.0217) (Ger) [+2]
SimCity 3000 (V1.1) (All) [+2]
Software Tycoon (V1.22) (Ger) [+2]
SpellForce - Platinum Edition (V1.52.64763) (All) [+9]
SpellForce - Shadow of the Phoenix (V1.52.61407) (All) [+9]
SpellForce - The Breath of Winter (V1.52.61407) (All) [+9]
SpellForce - The Order of Dawn (V1.52.61407) (All) [+9]
SpellForce 2 - Shadow Wars (V1.02) (All) [+9]
Spider Solitaire (Ger) [+2]
Spider (Solitaire: WinXP-SP2) (All) [+2]
Stalker - Shadow of Chernobyl (V1.0001) (All) [+7]
Stalker - Shadow of Chernobyl (V1.0003) (All) [+7]
Stronghold 2 (V1.1) (All) [+4]
Stronghold 2 (V1.2) (All) [+4]
Stronghold 2 (V1.3.1) (All) [+4]
Stronghold 2 (V1.4) (All) [+4]
Stronghold Legends (V1.2) (All) [+8]
Supreme Commander (V1.0.3217) (All) [+2]
Supreme Commander (V1.0.3223) (All) [+2]
Supreme Commander (V1.1.3251) (All) [+2]
Supreme Commander (V1.1.3260) (All) [+2]
Test Drive Unlimited (V1.1.45.1) (All) [+9]
Test Drive Unlimited (V1.1.66.1) (All) [+9]
Total Club Manager 07 (V1.1) (Spa) [+212]
Two Worlds (V1.4) (All) [+15]
Two Worlds (V1.5) (All) [+15]
Two Worlds (V1.6) (All) [+15]
Warlords Battlecry II (V1.0) (Ger) [+4]
Heroes of Might and Magic 5 (V1.6 CE) (All) [+8]: